Workplace violence decreased by 21% thanks to education, action and collaboration
By fostering open communication, we reinforce that we are a place of healing, and we invite patients to engage with staff respectfully and participate in their care.
PointClickCare certification 'a game changer' for Salem Health Laboratories
For patients and families, the streamlined process helps avoid unnecessary hospital visits and emergency room trips.
National Lab of the Year
Medical Laboratory Observer’s 2024 Lab of the Year is Salem Health Laboratories at Salem Health Hospitals and Clinics. Labs across the country were judged on achievement in five areas: customer service, productivity, teamwork, education and training and strategic outlook. Salem Health stood out with its commitment to improvement and the dedication of all 226 employees who handle 1.6 million test requests at its three high-complexity laboratories, which support and oversee all point-of-care testing across our health system.
How to safely return to sports after injury
With any injury, there are several things to keep in mind before returning to a sport.
Recovery strategies for nerve injuries: What you need to know
Nerves can be easily injured and may not fully recover 100% of the time, even with the best care.
Home improvement for older adults
Finding the warrior inside
HPV vaccine a lifelong defense against cancer
How to quit and make it stick
Shattered wrist working again with specialized hand therapy
Get off the blood sugar roller coaster
Abused baby finds comfort with Salem Health nurse
Specially trained nurses help survivors of sexual assault
Feeling sick? Gluten might be to blame
All is not lost for people with chronic pain
Donor spotlight: Salem Health employee supports inclusive play area
Peripheral artery disease treatment
Shopping list: Be prepared for natural disasters
Our region's kids need your help
Why does Salem Health's Truven award matter?
Find the sneaky salt in your diet
Think you might be having heart problems? Call your doctor now
9 questions to ask your doctor when diagnosed with heart disease
When there's no right answer, ethicist makes options clearer
12 questions to ask when you receive a cancer diagnosis