
Visitor information

Regular visits from friends and family can be an important part of getting better, so we want to be as flexible as possible with visiting hours. Our policies are meant to balance the benefits of visits with patients’ need for rest.


Regular public visiting hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Immediate family members and caregivers may visit outside of those hours at our staff’s discretion.

The main entrances to the hospital are open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Building D main entrance remains open until 9 p.m. After 9 p.m., all hospital visitors must enter through the Emergency Room entrance in Building A.

Help prevent the spread of infectious diseases

If you have been exposed to a contagious disease (or think you might have), please call or use digital communication to visit your loved one instead. All visitors are required to complete a self-screening at the hospital entrance.


Detailed COVID-19 visiting guidelines

A potential visitor/support person will be denied visitation if:

  • Visitor/support person answers yes to any of the following (via self-screening):
    • Symptomatic of fever, sore throat, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, and body aches.
  • A visitor/support person is highly discouraged from in person visitation if:
    • Currently being tested for COVID-19 due to an actual or potential exposure, or diagnosed as COVID-19 positive.
    • Exposed to COVID-19 within the past 10 days and have not yet met criteria for removal of quarantine or isolation. (Contact Infection Prevention for clarification if needed).
    • If a visitor/support person has any one of the above conditions and is entering the building, they should wear a mask upon entry and travel directly to the patient room that they are visiting.  Visitors should wear a mask as they exit and should not go to the cafeteria, coffee shops or other locations.
  • Patient being visited is COVID-19 positive or pending with or without an aerosol-generating procedure (AGP)
    • Every effort should be made to allow/encourage visitation via video visit.
    • Visitors must adhere to required isolation requirements and wear all personal protective equipment required for the duration of the visit.
    • The visitor/support person must be made aware of the risks of entering a room with a COVID positive patient. 
  • Potential visitors may not be allowed to visit according to other established hospital policies.

Patient and visitor expectations

Tips to help patients, visitors and families have a safe, healthy visit.


Your health is important to us. Salem Health Hospitals and Clinics is committed to providing a safe, caring and inclusive space for our community. A safe and respectful environment is important to promoting a healing environment.

Here are some things to be mindful of as a patient or visitor:

  • Be thoughtful and kind. Be caring to our staff, and other patients and visitors.
  • Avoid disruptive speech or behavior. Help us ensure a safe, healing environment for all.
  • Follow your treatment plan. Ask questions until you fully understand your plan of care.
  • Be open and honest with us. Take an active role in your health.
  • Follow hospital and clinic rules. You may be asked to leave if the rules are not followed.
  • Provide feedback. Share your compliments and concerns with us.

Our team members are chosen for their skills and abilities. They are dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to you. Please show them the respect they deserve and that you expect as a patient or visitor.

Thank you for helping us create a healing environment for all!