Here at Salem Health Hospitals & Clinics, our palliative care team is only available for patients admitted to Salem Hospital.
When you’re facing a serious illness, our team of doctors, nurses, social workers and chaplains will help you understand the choices ahead.
Palliative care is specialized medical care for people living with a serious illness. This type of care is focused on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of the illness. The goal is to improve quality of life for both you, as the patient, and those who make up your support system. While palliative care and hospice both focus on symptom management and quality of life, palliative care can be provided along with curative treatment for anyone living with serious illness.
Your history, values, preferences and needs are all equally important when deciding how to treat your medical condition. We’ll help you understand how they relate to your treatment options and what those options may look like outside the hospital.