
Safety awareness: Be prepared!

Bullying, violence, guns, and terrorism are tough topics.

Being mentally prepared could save your life if you are confronted with one of these frightening situations. We invite you to bring your friends and join us for this free session presented by public safety expert Walt Myers, former manager of safety and security for Salem Health. Myers will discuss specifics about how to be aware of your surroundings and coach you on what to do if you do find yourself in the middle of an emergency.

This presentation is for high school students. Parents and teachers are also welcome to attend this informative session on Wednesday, May 22 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the conference room at West Valley Hospital, 525 Washington Street NE in Dallas. 

This is a free event and advance registration is required. To reserve a spot, please visit the Community Health Education Center’s web site at or call 503-814-CHEC (2432).

The Community Health Education Center and Salem Hospital are each a part of Salem Health, which includes West Valley Hospital and other affiliated healthcare organizations offering quality care to people in and around Oregon’s Willamette Valley. Visit us at and; follow us on Twitter: @salemhealth; and view us at