
Want to quit smoking? Start with the “gold standard” class

If you’ve tried to quit smoking before, don’t beat yourself up. Smoking is a chemical addiction, so you need science to help you quit for good. 

CHEC-instructor KateCunninghamJust ask Kate Cunningham. After smoking for 50 years, she took the American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking® class at Salem Health’s Community Health Education Center (CHEC).

She’s been smoke-free for two years—and now she teaches the class.

“It’s the best program, and I’ve tried many,” she said, noting the key to success is personal support. “It makes a huge difference. We hold each other accountable. I strongly encourage people to take it, even if they’re not sure they’re ready. The class helps you decide.”

Kate says she feels better each day. “I can take a deep breath now without coughing.”

Class details

Kate or another facilitator helps group set a quit date and everyone quits together when possible. The support and education from this program results in high quit rates.

The class is free.

This class series is offered several times a year. For dates and times, and to sign up, contact the CHEC at 503-814-CHEC (2432) or sign up online.

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