Fat transfer (or “fat grafting”) combines two beneficial enhancement procedures in one. Excess fat is harvested from troublesome areas such as the abdomen, hips, thighs and back. It is then processed and injected into another area to produce subtle, natural enhancement.
Fat is most commonly harvested from around the abdomen, but it may also be removed from the hips, thighs and back.
Gentle, fat-preserving liposuction techniques are used to harvest fat.
Eliminating fat from the abdomen can help slim and tone its appearance.
Fat can be injected into the breasts to increase the size and reshape the breasts.
Provides a modest size increase for women who desire increased volume without synthetic implants.
Often used in conjunction with breast reconstruction or breast implants to help achieve a more natural breast shape.
Fat can be injected into the hollows of the face, including the cheeks and under eyes.
Corrects age-related facial volume loss.
Provides long-lasting volume when compared to synthetic facial fillers.
Fat transfer can be performed using local anesthesia or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of fat removal and transfer.
Tiny incisions are made at the liposuction sites and the injection sites that may result in minimal scarring. Any scarring that does develop is likely to fade over time.
The length of your recovery will depend on which area(s) have been enhanced using fat transfer. Fat transfer to the face has the fastest healing time of two weeks. During your consultation, your surgeon can discuss more accurate recovery timelines based on your individual circumstances.
There may be some initial volume loss after your fat transfer as the body absorbs some of the grafted fat. However, any fat that remains after six months will provide permanent enhancement.
Fat transfer typically provides subtle enhancement of the breasts. Most patients can gain between a half cup and a full cup size increase.