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New step added to 'patient to sign consent' Epic order

24 May 2020

Option to choose nurse-administered sedation, plus levels

By: Angela Andersen, MD; Laura Van Cura; Jennifer Rice, RN BSN

Another step has been added to the “Patient to sign consent” order in Epic. Once the procedure is entered, the physician will have the option to select if the procedure will be performed with nurse-administered sedation — and also choose the intended level of sedation. 

patient to sign consent Epic order snip 
patient to sign consent Epic order snip 2

These extra check boxes are not required.  The intent of these additions is for the following reasons:

  1. If the physician is performing the procedure with nurse sedation and the box is checked, this will add “with nurse administered sedation” to the consent form.  This will ensure the consent form covers both the procedure being performed and the type of sedation being used.  This eliminates the need for a separate sedation consent form. 
  2. When the intended level of sedation is specified, this guarantees compliance with the sedation policy.
  3. This will increase our compliance with the requirements of the sedation policy and allow us to perform audits more easily.