Steel installation on the campus expansion site is nearly complete. To celebrate the completion of the work, Salem Health employees and providers are invited to sign the final steel beam. Bring your own permanent marker and sign your name on this piece of Salem Health history! The beam will be available to sign in the center area of the construction site (accessed through Gate 3 in the middle section of Oak Street).
This recent overhead shot nicely illustrates where the expansion will tie into Building A. A new set of elevators will join the existing Building A public elevators. Visitors will then turn left or right, depending on their destined unit, just like they do in Building B today.
Steel is added to the building every day. In the few weeks since these photos were taken, the rest of the floors have been put in place.
Meanwhile, in the parking garage, the excavation of the footings and drilling on the outside of the garage will allow the seismic braces to be installed.
The interior work being completed is the redesign of the first floor for emergency department parking.
Construction is the visible component of the project, but we are also on schedule for the work that will enable us to see patients in the space. We have begun equipment and procurement planning meetings with Salem Health leaders. When construction is complete in a little over a year and a half, we will begin activation for our anticipated July 2022 opening.