
Salem Health Orthopedics uses new technology to reduce need for narcotics

At Salem Health Orthopedics, providers are looking at new ways to reduce pain after surgery.

In April 2023, Salem Health clinics introduced Iovera technology, a process of temporarily freezing a targeted nerve. After 30 minutes, the freeze blocks the nerve from sending pain signals to the brain for up to 90 days.

Taking action before a joint replacement

“It’s a temporary freezing of some of the superficial nerves around the knee,” said hip and knee replacement specialist Shane Hess, DO.  “You don’t lose muscle strength.”

The process is done two weeks prior to a joint replacement, and the benefits can last up to three months.

“Patients may feel some relief immediately after the procedure, some say their knee pain is completely gone,” Hess said.

Hess said this technology is unique in the Salem area. The doctor said recovery after a knee replacement is always tough, but this technique reduces reliance on pain killers after an operation.

“We recognize that recovery from knee replacements is difficult and there are tools and technologies out there to help patients recover faster and better compared to traditional methods,” Hess said. “This is just one of the many things that we have to offer patients in the recovery process.”

A drastic drop in narcotic use

At Salem Health, Hess said they’ve noticed up to a 40% reduction in narcotic use after surgery since introducing the technology.

“The reason we know it works is simply by tracking narcotic consumption after surgery,” he said.

The doctor said this data is based on prescriptions, and his team believes the reduction is probably higher if they were able to look at pill count.

Right now, Salem Health’s total joint doctors are the only orthopedic specialists utilizing this technology, and it’s not covered by all insurance.

However, Hess said this option is still having an impact.

“It’s not going to create a pain-free knee,” he said. “But a less painful knee.”

Orthopedic care

Are you looking to move forward with a joint replacement? Click here to learn more about the care provided at Salem Health.