
Newborn to-do list

Basket with baby items

Getting ready to bring home baby? This checklist will help you stay on track in those first busy months!

  • Make sure you have a baby safe car seat ready in your care even before you take your baby home.

  • Announce the birth!

  • Schedule your child and maternal health check-ups for early months.

  • Have a diaper bag stocked and ready to go.

  • Register your baby’s birth at the local birth registration office.

  • Add your baby to your health insurance.

  • Ensure your baby has immunizations on schedule.

  • Research childcare options if you are going back to work.

  • Look at education options, some places require you to get a name down very early. 

We have to-do lists for every stage of pregnancy. Check out all of our printer-friendly fact sheets for expecting parents!