
'If anyone has to go through cancer, I hope they’re getting care in Salem.'

Katie Schmidt was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 44.

After her diagnosis in early 2023, she had a mastectomy and started chemo in the spring. Schmidt said she was referred to Dr. Patricia Luckeroth for her surgery.

“We talked about doing a lumpectomy, but I had two different cancers in my breast,” she said.

A feeling of safety with Salem Health

Schmidt said her team found additional cancer during the surgery, but the healing went well. As she worked through chemotherapy, Schmidt appreciated the kindness of her medical team.

“I think a lot of doctors’ offices could use a lot of training from the cancer center,” she said.

“I’ve never felt so safe.”

Schmidt said from the nurse navigator to her surgeon, everyone was caring and sensitive.

“I truly had the most amazing experience out of the ugliest thing that could happen. I never once felt like I was rushed,” she said. “It was amazing; it felt like I had my own entourage of advocates. I never even had to make an appointment. They did all of that for me.”

Next steps for care

During every round of chemo, Schmidt was the youngest in the room. She still gets injections every three weeks, takes a daily chemo pill and receives an infusion every six months.

Schmidt moved to La Pine in June, but said she continues to drive to Salem for treatment because she loves the care team.

“If anyone has to go through cancer, I hope they’re getting care in Salem,” she said. “They’re going to get the best care they can right there.”

Finding joy after diagnosis

Schmidt is back to work as a real estate agent now and hopes to be cancer free in the next five years.

“I’m still working on getting stronger, working out. My hair is growing back. Life is good minus all the effects of chemo,” she said.

Schmidt said she’s now more active than she was before her diagnosis. She’s walking, hiking and doing yard work.

The real estate agent said her diagnosis also allowed her to prioritize the right relationships.

“You really look back and reevaluate things. You let go of some people and you bring new people in,” she said. “I think my life is a lot better since cancer.”

Support on your journey

Let Salem Health support you on your cancer journey. From nurse navigators to rehabilitation classes — click here to learn more about the services we provide.