
Hair stylist discovers new look inside and out after bariatric surgery

Eron's Bariatric Surgery Story (YouTube)

In 2014, Eron G. of Salem weighed 398 pounds. After years of frustration with his weight, he knew it was time to make a drastic change.

“I was just kind of going through motions, and I didn’t really enjoy things,” said Eron. “I felt like I didn’t want to be in the world — and now I’m all about being in the world.”

Eron chose to have bariatric (weight loss) surgery. Staff at Salem Hospital helped guide him every step of the way — from pre-surgery to recovery, plus his physical to emotional well-being. Three years later, Eron now weighs 196 pounds.

He found a surprising benefit from his weight-loss journey.

“I love shopping! It feels so weird to not have to go to the fat section of the store — you know — the hidden back section,” said Eron. “Being able to actually find designer clothing is actually a lot of fun.”

Eron says Salem Health provided the true pathway for his success.

“I’ve had nothing but a great experience there,” said Eron. “Everybody is very friendly, very open, and they actually care about you.”

Eron now says he’s excited for his future.

“It’s been like getting to learn a new life — just experiencing things for the first time again.”

Click here to learn more about bariatric surgery at Salem Health.