
Give your family the gift of certainty

advance directive son
If you were unconscious, would your family know how much medical care you’d want? What if you were permanently disabled and couldn’t speak for yourself?

None of us knows what the new year will bring — health or illness, safety or accidents. But by having an advance directive in place, no matter what happens to you, your family will know your wishes.

Creating an advance directive is free; the only cost is a little of your time. At CHEC’s KEYConversations workshop, you’ll receive a planning guide that walks you through potential medical situations and decisions family members are often asked to make. Filling out the workbook can help you clarify your own wishes and start the conversation with your spouse or adult children.

There are new sessions of KeyConversations coming up soon at the CHEC. Please join us; it may be the most important class you ever take!