
Do I qualify for weight loss surgery?

Salem Health Bariatric Surgery Center can help improve the medical, social, emotional and psychological lives of people with obesity. We treat the entire person, providing physical and psychological support before, during and after surgery.

While no referral is needed, there are a few requirements in order to have weight loss surgery at Salem Health Bariatric Surgery Center. Patients must:

  • Have a body mass index (BMI) greater than 40 (or 35 to 39 with a weight-related medical problem).
  • Visit with a surgeon, dietitian, physical therapist and psychologist during the process.
  • Complete a presurgical workup. Your bariatric surgery provider will discuss this with you during your first visit.

As always, talk with your primary care provider first to see if weight loss surgery could be right for you!

To learn more and see helpful videos on batriatric surgery at Salem Health, click here or call 503-814-5286.