
Being a dad should come naturally, right? False. Take a dad class.

new dad tattoos
Everyone tells you, “Nothing totally prepares you be a parent.”  While that may be true, we should still make the attempt.

The goal of any new dad class is to offer standardized information and a potential community of fathers willing to listen and help each other out. Essentially, it’s meant for you to bro-out with only expecting and recent father bros, and there’s often a real live baby around to practice on.

Typically, a dad class is a comfortable place to ask questions and express feelings you might be uncomfortable sharing with your partner. It’s your responsibility to not be the guy in the gif above — and you can’t learn #dadskills (and prevent #dadfails) without practice.

The class offered at Salem Health’s CHEC comes from Boot Camp For New Dads, and is intended for expectant dads and dads with babies up to three months old. You’ll learn the ropes from guys who have successfully made the transition to being a dad.

Topics typically include:

  • The meaning of becoming a dad
  • Forming your new family
  • Caring for new moms
  • Handling work hours
  • Bonding with your baby
  • Dealing with in-laws (or even your own relatives)
  • Burping, diapering, swaddling and other everyday tasks

There is also research to suggest that dad classes can be crucial for helping fathers develop good relationships with their children. One study in particular suggests that families with fathers who attended a parenting class proved less likely to report behavior issues and displayed an increase in positive parenting practices.

Whether or not you feel prepared, attending a dad class may help your partner feel more at ease. Many find that the better prepared they are for parenthood, the less there is to fear.

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