
Working together as a family after bariatric surgery

Whether a patient is recovering from gastric bypass or a sleeve gastrectomy, Salem Health bariatric surgeons want to make sure patients are working with their families on long-term health.

“There is so much interplay between your environment and how successful you are,” said bariatric surgeon Catherine Boulay, MD.

Working together as a family

Dr. Boulay said many of her patients are women and mothers and, as a mother herself, she knows how hard it is to stay healthy alongside family members.

“The lifestyle changes involve taking care of yourself,” Dr. Boulay said.

The surgeon noted that children of patients who are morbidly obese are at risk of becoming obese themselves, and early intervention is needed to deter passing obesity to younger generations.

“We know obesity is a chronic and relapsing disease,” she said. “We don’t cure obesity with a surgery, we control it better.”

A one-month challenge

When looking at long-term health, Dr. Boulay recommends families try the 5-2-1-0 program.

“That’s something families can do together. It’s a one-month challenge,” she said.

It includes eating five fruits and vegetables, limiting screen time to two hours, one hour of physical activity and zero pre-sweetened beverages every day.

“It doesn’t say no chips, no candy, no junk food at all, but if you’re trying to get in five fruits and vegetables a day, it doesn’t leave room for much else,” Dr. Boulay said.

The surgeon recommends letting children monitor the parent, too, instead of just the parent telling their child what to do.

“It’s really important for them to see consistency, and they love to be in the role of constructing and caregiving,” she said.

Diet and exercise

Dr. Boulay also recommends getting children involved in mealtimes, like cooking as a family or growing a vegetable garden together.

From there, she encourages putting screens away during meals, and prioritizing meals as a family at least three times a week.

When it comes to exercise, Dr. Boulay suggests anything from bikes rides to fun runs and trips to the park — activities that can include everyone.

“Things you can do together are really gratifying,” she said.

Comprehensive patient care

These recommendations are just a few examples of how bariatric surgeons work with patients at Salem Health. Patients also meet with nutritionists before and after surgery and create an exercise program with physical therapists.

For patients who are re-gaining weight after surgery, Salem Health also offers a medical weight loss program where they can return to get more coaching on nutrition and exercise. They’ll also be evaluated to see if medication management is needed in the long run.

Could bariatric surgery be right for you? Click here to learn more about the care options available at Salem Health Bariatrics.