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Traumatic brain injury

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 1.7 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury annually.

The most common traumatic brain injuries result from accidents in which the head strikes an object—with concussions causing the majority of traumatic brain injuries.

However, brain injuries can result from an infection, poisoning or insufficient oxygen supply. Brain injuries can range in severity from mild to severe, and can affect an individual’s cognitive, physical and psychological well-being.

Salem Hospital’s rehabilitation team helps individuals who have made significant gains, but want to continue to make improvements in particular areas.

With a focus on functional and behavioral-based rehabilitation, our experts treat people who have sustained open or closed head trauma.

Since no two brain injuries are identical, Salem Hospital’s therapists individualize each patient’s treatment program. Our multi-disciplinary team of physical and occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists and consulting psychologists work with you to regain the highest level of independence as possible.

Brain injury services

What you do in rehabilitation will depend on your injury and symptoms. Under your doctor’s directions, rehabilitation activities may include:

  • Speech-language therapy to improve information processing, memory, language and communication skills, and cognitive abilities.
  • Physical therapy to improve gross motor skills, strength and endurance, and functional mobility (i.e. walking, stair climbing, strengthening and balance/coordination).
  • Occupational therapy for relearning daily tasks such as eating, dressing, bathing and writing.
  • Swallowing and voice therapy.
  • Emotional support and counseling for the patient and family.
  • Family education.

Brain injury support group

After you complete formal rehabilitation, Salem Hospital Regional Rehabilitation Center hosts a brain injury support group on the fourth Thursday of each month from 4 to 6 p.m. For more information, call 503-561-1974.

Make an appointment
