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Lab Update: Urinalysis order changed, thanks to feedback

01 Apr 2018

Only one change to ‘Urinalysis, Culture if Indicated’

By: Renee Gerros, MT

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We recently published an article in Common Ground about changes to be made to the order, “Urinalysis, Culture if Indicated.” After receiving feedback from our pediatric colleagues and reviewing the literature regarding pediatric patients with urinary tract infections, we have decided to make only one change.

For now, the “Urinalysis, Culture if Indicated” test will reflex to culture if leukocyte esterase is > or = + 1, previously it would reflex if it was “trace.” The test will still reflex to culture if WBC are > or = to 5/HPF, bacteria are “few” and squamous epithelial cells are < or = to 5/HPF, and/or nitrite is positive. Please note that you can still order the urinalysis and the urine culture as separate tests. The above mentioned changes pertain only to the order, “Urinalysis, Culture if Indicated.”

We will be working with IS to see if any future changes to the reflex portion of the “Urinalysis, Culture if Indicated” test can be limited to the adult patient population only.

For more information, as well as a go-live date, please read this document: Laboratory Update - Changes to UA reflex to culture.

Thank you for your patience and feedback regarding these changes. Questions and comments may be directed to the following:

Renee Gerros, MT, 503-814-1640.
Jasmin Chaudhary, MD, 503-540-9999.
Danielle Britt, MA, PharmD, 503-814-9981