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Your feedback helps shape our future

21 Jan 2018

By: Christine Clarke, MD, Medical Staff President; and Rob Harder, MD, Medical Staff Engagement Committee Chair

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We need your ideas! Gallagher Integrated will email you a request later this month to complete the 2018 Medical Staff Engagement Survey.

Your participation is vital. Responses from our last two surveys helped shape our physician engagement strategy work this year. Thanks to you, we made some changes, including:

  • Physicians are more directly involved in shaping our strategic direction via the Quality Operations Committee and Strategic Advisory Committee, as well as through efforts led by physician strategy captain Ben Miller regarding the development of strategy leaders.
  • Work led by physician strategy captain Nik Batra is improving communication from medical staff leadership committees through the Common Ground e-newsletter.
  • Overall contracted physician engagement scores were targeted as an area of opportunity with problem solving led by physician strategy captain Julie York, which has aided many colleagues within neurosurgery, anesthesiology and pulmonary/critical care.

We will report results so you can see how we are doing and where we will focus next year. For questions please contact Rob Harder, Medical Staff Engagement Committee Chair,, or Andy Furman, Vice President of Medical Affairs