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Workplace Violence Committee: Focus on employee safety

19 Jan 2020

New series takes proactive approach to workplace violence

By: Mike Luna, SH security supervisor

Security along with our Workplace Violence Committee are providing more information to prevent workplace violence. We hope to educate and inform our hospital community in preventive and proactive ways.  If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact Security Manager Bruce McLean or Security Supervisor Mike Luna.

Here’s our first focus: Identify an aggressive behavior patient in the EMR

A “security alert” patient is identified by the yellow banner on top of their hospital chart. This means the patient has been flagged by the Disruptive Behavior Committee due to the following behaviors:

  • Verbal Aggression - Intimidation, abuse, bullying, distant threats, etc.
  • Verbal Threats - Threats within close proximity.
  • Physical Violence - Punching, kicking, pushing, biting, etc.
  • Aggravated Physical Violence - Use of weapons, knives, guns, syringes, furniture, medical equipment, etc.

We’ve created the security alert patients flier below to give you a glance (with detail) on the steps hospital staff will follow; we appreciate cooperation from providers!

Workplace Violence Committee flier about security alert patients
For more information on the process for flagging an aggressive patient, check out the Safety Management - Disruptive Behavior Committee SharePoint site or contact Security Management at