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What is the QOC?

03 Sep 2017

By: Christine Clarke, MD, Quality Operations Committee chair and medical staff president-elect, and Michael Gay, communications lead

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You may have heard the term QOC mentioned and been unclear about what the acronym meant. You aren’t alone!

The Quality Operations Committee was established to prioritize and oversee of the quality, safety, cost and patient experience improvement projects at Salem Health. The group provides oversight and support for physician-led, patient-centered, and data-driven projects. They are a standing committee of the Salem Health Board of Trustees and work in partnership with the Executive Leadership Council (ELC) and Board of Trustees.

The QOC is comprised of independent, contract, and employed providers, board members, and executives. They meet monthly and are active in the strategic planning process. They’ve been an integral part of projects related CLABSI, Patient Experience – 5 South Center of Excellence, VTE, and the Care Team model piloted at 12th Street Clinic (and featured in the Aug. 6 issue of Common Ground).

It’s a committee where we see the vision of collaboration at work. The care we provide requires a diverse set of caregivers, and the QOC is a place where they can work together improving care for our patients.

Look for more information in future issues of Common Ground about the ongoing work of the QOC.