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12 Jun 2016

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The WebXchange scheduling solution is officially the source of truth for daily schedules and paging.

All of the information and schedules that were previously in Who’s On Today and ED backup are now live and accurate in WebXchange. Section Leaders have been trained, and individual training can be requested through Laura DiDomenico, Solution Center Coordinator (503-814-1498).

Paging and schedules will be facilitated through this system going forward. As always, you can call the switchboard at 503-561-5200.

We received a few reports about some confusion around accessing the system. Please note the link to the printgroup in the MD Summary Reports is now missing, and we will work to resolve this after we are through the Epic upgrade period.

In the meantime, please be aware of the options below for accessing schedules and paging in WebXchange. 

1. Open the Intranet homepage, click the WebXchange link in "Tools & Resources," and log in with your network credentials.

2. Within Epic*, go to the Epic dropdown, scroll to "Reference Links," select the reference link "Who's on call WebXchange," and log in using your network credentials.

*Salem Clinic Medical Staff members do not have Reference Links and should use option 1 above.