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Updated decision tree and testing workflow charts

13 Sep 2020

You asked for these visuals, so here they are!

By: Denise Hoover, chief surgical services officer and Angie Anderson, MD, surgical services medical director

We published a story about COVID-19 testing workflows regarding surgeries and procedures a few weeks ago. Since then, we have updated the visual workflows (embedded below).  

We continue to use the send-out COVID test a week ahead of time for scheduled patients as the preferred standard. For patients scheduled less than 5 days before surgery and add-on patients, we use the Point of Care test. The in-house test should be preserved for symptomatic inpatients and those needing testing for placement. Here is the updated decision tree workflow:

2020-07-29 COVID Testing Workflow Final

This diagram shows our testing workflow for treating patients who test positive or who have had a high risk exposure shortly before their procedure.
COVID19 Decision Tree Proc w Anesthesia