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Update to Universal Masking Standard Work

13 Mar 2022

Oregon will lift its indoor mask mandate on March 12. This does not apply to health care facilities, however in areas where there are no patients and no health care being delivered, vaccinated employees and medical staff may remove their masks. Please review the updated standard work here for more information. A summary of the updates follows.

Masks may be removed if:

  • You are a vaccinated employee or medical staff member and not in a place where health care is being delivered. The Oregon Health Authority defines areas where health care is not delivered as “where no patients are allowed and it is physically separated from areas where patients are allowed or health care is delivered, with walls from floor to ceiling and a door that remains closed when not in use.”
  • You are actively eating or drinking.
  • Unvaccinated individuals at all Salem Health Hospitals and Clinics’ locations must wear hospital provided airborne masks, not a hospital provided surgical/procedure mask. See the standard work for information on where to obtain your mask. This is a CMS requirement.
  • As always, anyone who wishes to wear a hospital provided mask, airborne or surgical, may do so.
  • Visitors are required to wear masks at all times and in all indoor areas of Salem Health Hospitals and Clinics’ locations, unless actively eating or drinking.

We are reviewing screening and visitor guidelines and will share any changes as they occur.