The 3T magnet (available for patient use starting the week of Jan. 30) has twice the field strength of our old 1.5T magnet and our second magnet which is 1.5T. This allows for improved image detail to visualize small structures, especially important in brain, spine, MSK and angiography exams. It also provides the ability to shorten scan times while preserving diagnostic quality images, which can help increase clinical throughput.
Several new sequences will be available on this scanner including non-contrast MRA, head-to-toe scans and free-breathing abdominal studies. The free-breathing technique sequences are ideal for patients who are not able to perform long breath holds. Software on this 3T magnet helps remove motion artifacts that could obscure anatomy of interest.
Another feature of this 3T MRI is the 70cm bore opening to accommodate a larger patient population. This is 10 cm wider in diameter than the previous (and our other) 1.5T. Many patients become anxious in the scanner and experience some claustrophobia. Aside from a larger opening, this 3T also has a shorter bore so that the patient’s head can remain outside of the scanner for more exams. The loud noises emitted during MRI scans can also cause anxiety for certain patients. For those who are especially sensitive, neurology and orthopedic scans can be carried out with the QuietSuite, reducing noise levels by at least 70 percent.
This 3T scanner comes with the most advanced breast coil on the market. The 16-channel Sentinelle coil ensures excellent image quality for breast MR exams. This will be especially important for young patients and those with dense breasts not easily imaged with mammography.
The new 3T MRI will elevate the level of care we can provide to our patients through the newest MR technology, and a more comfortable experience while undergoing an MRI exam.
If you have any questions regarding Salem Health’s new 3T MRI scanner, please contact Anna Mench, Justin Millar, or Jason Schulze in the Imaging Department.