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Thank you! National Doctors’ Day is March 30

14 Mar 2021

By: Leon Burrows, MD, Medical Staff President Ralph Yates, DO, Chief Medical Officer Matt Boles, MD, VP of Medical Affairs

To our Medical Staff:

On behalf of the Medical Executive Committee and Medical Staff Office, please join us in thanking our courageous and compassionate physicians on National Doctors’ Day. This is a special opportunity to personally thank the dedicated physicians who serve our community, striving to keep us healthy and safe.

National Doctors’ Day is March 30, and we won’t let this day go by without saying thank you to the nearly 700 MDs, DOs, DMDs and DPMs who help care for patients at Salem Health. We are proud to say this number grows each year.

This past year has been filled with uncertainty and many obstacles. And yet, you all have risen above and provided compassionate care and shown dedication to your patients and the populations that so deeply depend on you. Many of you have worked long hours, sacrificed time with your loved ones, and volunteered without hesitation to serve in our vaccination clinics. We cannot thank you enough for all that you do for our community and beyond.

As times remain far from normal, we are saddened that we cannot yet host our traditional week of festive lunches for you in the Physician Lounge. However, as a small token of appreciation, please stop by the Medical Staff Office (Building B, third floor) to pick up your food and espresso drink vouchers to be used at Creekside or any café on campus. These vouchers may be used anytime during the week of Doctors’ Day (Monday, March 29 through Sunday, April 4.)

You matter deeply to all of who work with you, and to anyone who has been touched by your skill, dedication and care. You truly make our community an amazing place.

Thank you and Happy Doctors’ Day!