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Strategic themes from QOC: Resiliency, pathways, partnerships

17 Mar 2019

Work highlights collaboration with leaders

By: Dr. Christine Clarke, medical staff president and Dr. Matt Boles, vice president of medical affairs

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On March 1, members of the quality operations committee participated in an exercise to gather input from fellow providers on Salem Health's strategic work. We held tabletop discussions to develop themes of potential bodies of work and then identified themes with the broadest interest.

We ranked the themes below with the top three identified as most relevant to the greatest number of medical staff. We will send them to our strategic deployment leaders for consideration to incorporate into improvement work.

  • Resiliency and work on burnout/brownout among providers
  • Clinical pathways — different ways to work together with our community partners
  • Partnership with our community providers

First and foremost, we want to thank the members of the QOC for participating in this exercise and canvassing their fellow providers for themes and ideas. This work furthers collaboration among Salem Health medical staff, administration and the board of trustees to deepen the involvement of medical staff in the design, development and execution of strategic initiatives. 

Please look for ongoing Common Ground updates about our strategic work for next year and how QOC ideas and themes impact improvement work — for our patients and the community.