The local publication Salem Weekly recently printed a front page article about Salem Health and its finances. It contained some gross inaccuracies and has created some incorrect perceptions that I feel compelled to set right.
It’s my goal that Salem Health be transparent about what we do, why we do it and how we do it. As an organization, we haven’t always done this well. But there is nothing to hide, in fact, I think we have a lot to brag about. I am incredibly proud of this organization and I intend to do more to shed light on the good things that happen here.
I want to have an honest conversation about what Salem Health offers the Willamette Valley and why we run things the way we do. The conversation should be based on accurate information. Here are some key points in response to inaccuracies raised in the Salem Weekly article:
Salem Health is built on the mission of improving the health and well-being of those we serve. The Board’s decisions about our finances are ruled by this overarching principle, and it is the motivation for what we do. This reality isn’t always clear to those outside our walls, and can get lost in misinformation or politics. So, if you hear something that is not correct, please use this information to facilitate meaningful dialogue.
My hope is that we can stay focused on our mission, and continue to help the community see and experience us as a valued asset that will be here when they need it.
Thank you for all that you do to make Salem Health an organization that we can be proud of, dedicated to acts of compassion. I believe we are building a legacy that will stand as a beacon in the Willamette Valley for a long time. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.