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Service line spotlights: Orthopedic services

24 Jan 2016

The Orthopedic service line is featured this month on the Common Ground Communication Board in Building A on the wall outside the physicians' lounge. 

The Joint Replacement Center of Excellence (JRCE) is due for its second re-certification from the Joint Commission. Seven surgeons replace well over 1,000 joints per year. The JRCE team continually works to refine and improve care pathways and quality. Some examples:

  • Reducing length of stay for “Track 1” patients: Visual management is used to help work with patients identified as potential candidates to go home the day after joint replacement. This reduces unnecessary inpatient bed usage and costs. In December, more than 20 percent of patients were able to go home the day after surgery!
  • Early mobility: We believe the sooner patients are able to get out of bed and take steps, the better their overall recovery and reduction of risks. From a baseline of 26 percent in March 2014, today 78 percent of patients are taking steps within four hours of arrival on the floor.

Transfusions and associated risks have also been significantly reduced, and a standard morning lab draw can be eliminated for most patients.

The continued work of our multi-disciplinary team is improving the care provided to our community. Thank you to our surgeons: Matthew Budge, John Coen, Michael Hahn, Dan Sewell, Steve Yao, Robert Zirschky, and especially to Medical Director Mark Dolan.