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Salem Hospital hosts ‘longest night’ to remember loved ones

18 Dec 2022

Candlelight vigil held in person this year Dec. 21

By: Gary Sims, MBA, MEd, Spiritual Care supervisor

If you or your patients have lost loved ones, we’re honored to host The Longest Night of the Year on the winter solstice, Dec. 21. For those who have lost a loved one, the holidays can be difficult.

Please be our guest for this special, family-friendly event open to all, where we remember those we have lost with words, music and candlelight.

The Longest Night of the Year: A candlelight vigil of remembrance

  • Wednesday, Dec. 21, 7 to 8 p.m.
  • Creekside Overflow (Salem Hospital, Building D, first floor)
  • Hosted by Salem Health Spiritual Care Team 

For more information, please contact the Spiritual Care office at 503-561-5562.