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Sage Bath Products are on manufacturer backorder

20 Aug 2017

By: Karl L. Wright, director, Supply Chain services

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Sage products to include Comfort Bath and 2% CHG wipes are on manufacturer backorder with no release date earlier than Nov. 1. SAGE has been instructed that they must upgrade their manufacturing facilities to meet FDA regulations, and until then they cannot manufacture or package their cleaning/bath products.

There are few substitute options in the marketplace, and for some items there are no other options available other than going back to “old school” methods. Supply Chain will continue to search for supply options.

This situation will NOT impact our CHG/alcohol product used intraoperative.  The most recent guideline for prevention of SSI from the CDC (published May, 2017) advises that patient shower or bathe with soap (antimicrobial or non-antimicrobial) or an antiseptic agent at least the night before the operative day (Category IB – strong recommendation; accepted practice).

Effective immediately:

  1. Preserve the 2% CHG wipes for patients with Central lines.  All others can use another soap product (non-CHG packaged wipes) – we have a one  week supply
  2. Nose-to-toes kits (which include a package of CHG wipes) should be used for our pre-op patients with implants (these are our highest risk patients) – we have about a two week supply
  3. Pre-surgery patients can use individual packets or 4 oz. bottles of Hibiclens (4%), followed by a water rinse, as they do now.
  4. Consider using Hibiclens (4%) with a rinse for those that would benefit, once we run out of CHG wipes
  5. Supply Chain will keep us posted on product availability/how much we have left/any other available vendor options as they become available.
  6. We may have to consider going back to basins with soap and water or Hibiclens (until we resume getting CHG wipes), and there are new products out there (disposable shower caps that fit into a basin, for example).

If you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact the nursing leader of that area.  You may also contact Infection Prevention at 503-814-2783 or