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“Resilience” on May 1 explores trauma-informed care

15 Apr 2018

Sign up now; space is limited for free film

By: Michael Polacek, RN Professional Development Coordinator

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We've partnered with the Oregon Center for Nursing to present Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope for free at Northern Lights Theatre Pub on Tuesday, May 1, at 6 p.m. The theatre is donating the venue. A panel discussion will follow.

Space is limited to 135 seats, so reserve a spot here.

The documentary explores the rising epidemic of suicide and health conditions caused by toxic stress early in life, a relatively new science. Salem Health has become proactive in recognizing – and addressing – toxic stress in hospitals and clinics through an approached called “trauma-informed care.”

There’s an amazing body of science now primarily from the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study that explains how and why the body responds to changes in the brain as a result of childhood trauma.

The following panel will address both clinical and lay interests: Hong Lee, PhD (facilitator), Salem Health medical ethicist; Satya Chandragiri, MD, Chandras clinic psychiatrist; Danielle Vander Linden, Central High School trauma informed care coordinator; Doug Gouge, Polk County family and community outreach supervisor; Ann Kirkwood, Oregon Health Authority suicide intervention coordinator; and Jesse Lippold, Salem Keizer School Board member.

Watch the trailer; Learn more about Salem Health’s approach to trauma-informed care.