To improve access in our community, Salem Health is in the process of recruiting four vascular surgeons. This is part of a collaboration between Salem Health, OHSU, and the vascular surgeons in our area to design a comprehensive vascular program.
Three of the new surgeons will be hired through Salem Health. At the request of Glen Roseborough, MD, the fourth will be recruited using community benefit dollars and work at Dr. Roseborough’s practice.
These joint efforts are based on the principles outlined in our Common Ground Compact, which states the shared goal to collaboratively “develop and address the results of a community needs assessment.” These shared goals help guide the relationship between the medical staff and Salem Health, establishing a foundation of cooperation and trust as we continue to work together.
We have worked closely with area providers to identify what type of specialty care is most needed, and are continuing to work with physicians to fill the most critical gaps. This is another example of how the positive relationship between providers and Salem Health can produce benefits for our community.
Our community’s vascular surgeons deserve special recognition and thanks. The demand for your limited time and services only grows, yet you continue to dedicate your energy to meeting the community’s needs. Thank you for your commitment to the health of our area and the sacrifices you make to serve it.
Salem Health will keep you informed of details of these improvement efforts as they are available. Please contact me at or 503-562-2770 if you have questions or suggestions.