Radiation oncology, gynecologic oncology and the OR deserve recognition for their work on the new Tandem and Ring Procedure project, a specific patient care procedure that delivers high dose radiation to gynecology patients in the OR rather than the clinic. (A tandem ring is used in high-dose radiation.)
These departments joined forces to provide a more compassionate option for women with cervical or endometrial cancer, emerging as a wonderful example of patient-first professional collaboration.
Work started in response to one patient’s condition, a young woman who completed her external beam radiation, then needed internal, high-dose radiation. We typically do this treatment in radiation oncology under light medication – and most patients respond well.
Due to the patient’s history of extreme trauma, she needed heavier sedation to withstand the procedure. So, clinic supervisors and director quickly met with OR staff, involving all concerned parties and pulled the new OR procedure with heavier sedation together in two weeks.
As a result, we’ve been able to offer this more comfortable option to several women who benefit from heavier sedation, due to trauma histories or anatomy conditions. Gynecologic oncology works with radiation oncology physicians on the work flows.
“We’ve worked very hard for our patients and improved communications among departments to make sure they get the best care,” said Karen Tutmark, RN in gynecologic oncology.
Special credit goes to LeaAnn Morrow, RN, Clinic Supervisor, radiation oncology; Amie Whittenberg, RN, MSN; Samuel Wang, MD; radiation oncology and gynecologic oncology, OR staff and schedulers.