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Please get your flu shot!

02 Sep 2018

Help protect our patients, visitors and staff from flu this season

By: Michelle Rasmussen, MD, associate chief medical officer

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We are asking for your assistance this year to reach our goal of having 100 percent of our medical staff vaccinated against influenza! Providing a safe environment for patients, staff, volunteers and visitors is our top priority. Getting a flu shot is one of the best ways to protect everyone.

What do I need to do?

  • Undergo and provide proof of flu vaccination to the Salem Health medical staff office or employee health department, having received a flu vaccination by the second Friday in November of each year (by Nov. 9, 2018).
  • Acceptable form of proof is a picture of the vaccine consent, a printout provided by the facility that administered the vaccine or an updated vaccine record. Proof can be sent to employee health by email, fax or in person.

Phone: 503-814-7250
Fax: 503-814-7253

We are located in the Urgent Care building, sharing a parking lot with the Ram Restaurant.

What if I need an exception approved?

By policy, the Medical Executive Committee may exempt a practitioner from the flu vaccination requirement under the following situations:

    • Medical: Severe allergy to eggs or vaccine components, or history of Guillain-Barre syndrome within six weeks of a prior flu vaccine. Practitioners requesting a medical exception must provide documentation of medical contraindications.
    • Religious: Special religious accommodations requested in writing and approved by the MEC.

How do I continue to protect everyone if I have been granted an exemption from the flu vaccination?

  • If the MEC grants a flu vaccination exception, the practitioner will provide written documentation attesting that he/she will wear a mask at all times while in a Salem Health patient care or clinical area performing clinical duties within six feet of a patient and when entering a patient room during the influenza season. The influenza season is as defined by Salem Health Infection Prevention.

Where do I get my flu vaccination?

  • We realize that you may receive the vaccine at your own office or clinic, but would like to offer you the option to be vaccinated through Salem Health employee health if that would be convenient for you. Come to a scheduled clinic, or visit one of the “flu champions.” If you receive a vaccine elsewhere, please provide a copy of that documentation or a letter/email indicating when and where you received the influenza vaccine. Verbal statements cannot be accepted.

Thank you for helping us reach our goal and most importantly, for helping to keep our shared patients and collective staff healthier during this year’s flu season.