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Pharmacy Shortage Alert: Sodium Bicarbonate

14 Oct 2018

The supply of sodium bicarbonate is rapidly depleting at Salem Health.

View as a webpage   Bicarbonate use needs to be limited to appropriate indications (similar to the previous shortage in 2017):
  • Severe acidosis (pH less than 7.15)
  • Salicylate or tricyclic antidepressant overdose
  • Hyperkalemia with electrocardiogram changes

Do not use sodium bicarbonate for:

  • Contrast nephropathy prophylaxis
  • Diabetic ketoacidosis
  • Rhabdomyolysis (no improvement over aggressive fluid resuscitation)
  • Acidosis with a pH greater than 7.15
  • Buffering lidocaine or other local anesthetics

Sodium bicarbonate is being pulled from many omnicells to support the supply in code carts.

What to do instead:

  • Your floor pharmacist can help you get a one-time infusion for patients in whom it is indicated.
  • Use oral bicarbonate (as able) for indications like high-dose methotrexate urinary alkalization.

Please follow the guidelines above until the supply situation improves.