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Pharmacist help to clean up anesthesia-specific PACU meds

14 Feb 2021

Discontinuing specific order set without bothering you

By: Matthew Tanner, PharmD, BCPS, pharmacy clinical coordinator and PGY1 RPD

Sometimes meds intended from the Post Anesthesia Orders for PACU are continued on the post-op floors, usually by accident of med reconciliation. At their last meeting, P&T approved a proposal that would allow pharmacists to discontinue meds from this order set

, if they make it through the phases of care and appear for a patient on the floor.  Some of the PACU-specific orders that have been found on patients on post-op floors include:

  • Meperidine
  • Ephedrine
  • Surgery-specific sliding scale insulin
  • Acetaminophen
  • Ondansetron
  • Haloperidol


Starting 2/1, any orders originating from this order set for a patient outside of the peri-op areas can be discontinued by the pharmacist without bothering you with a page to ask permission. This clean-up will reduce the probability that potentially inappropriate PACU orders are actually given, and reduce our vulnerability to a Joint Commission citation by removing duplicate PRN medication orders.

anesthesia-specific pacu meds 

If you have questions or concerns about this, please let Matt Tanner in Pharmacy know (503-814-9960 or