Membership terms are three years, which will begin retroactively on January 1, 2022, with eligibility for additional terms.
Current membership:
Dr. Gloria Alexander (Adult Hospitalist Medicine)
Dr. Ed Austin (Plastic Surgery) – term expiring
Dr. Laura Chong (OB/GYN) – term expiring
Dr. Amy Dourgarian (Emergency Medicine) – term expiring
Dr. Kris Dozier (General Surgery)
Dr. Kamran Firoozi (Pulmonology/Intensive Care)
Dr. Harminder Gandhok (Cardiology) – term expiring
Dr. Kyu Kim (Radiology) – term expiring
Dr. Michelle Rasmussen (Family Medicine/Primary Care)
Dr. Glen Roseborough (Vascular Surgery)
Dr. Jennifer Williams (Anesthesiology)
Our current MPRC members Dr. Laura Chong (OB/GYN), Dr. Amy Dourgarian (EM), Dr. Harminder Gandhok (Cardiology), and Dr. Kyu Kim (Radiology), have expressed interest in serving another term on MPRC. They understand the importance of sharing the opening of these positions with all members of the medical staff who may be interested. Please note that in order to allow for appropriately informed decisions about case reviews, the committee seeks to maintain member representation from the following specialties:
Adult Hospitalist Medicine
Emergency Medicine
Intensive Care
Primary Care
Minimum Qualifications:
Committee Participation
MPRC Responsibilities – below is a sampling, more information can be located in the Salem Hospital Peer Review Manual (Request from
Current CFP members Dr. Arjun Chagarlamudi (Cardiology), Dr. Dan Costa (Psychiatry), Dr. Peter Hakim (EM), Dr. Charles McGee (Emeritus OB/GYN), and Dr. Michelle Rasmussen (Family Medicine) have expressed interest in serving another term. They understand the importance of sharing the opening of these positions with all members of the medical staff who may be interested. Please note that specific specialty representation is NOT required on this committee.
Minimum Qualifications Committee for Professionalism:
Committee Participation:
Committee for Professionalism Responsibilities – below is a sampling, more information can be located in the Salem Hospital Peer Review Manual (Request from
Selection Process for MPRC and CfP
For more information please contact Dr. Jennifer Williams, current Multidisciplinary Peer Review Committee Chair or Peer Review staff
Reminder: the deadline to submit an application is Friday, January 28th, 2022.
*Good standing describes medical staff who maintain qualifications for privileges and assigned medical staff category; are not currently under a suspension or restriction.