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PDMP process now single sign-on in Epic

30 Jun 2024

New process eliminates login step on website

By: Drew Clarke, MD, chief medical information officer

To help providers throughout the Salem Health system, we’ve upgraded the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) process to Single Sign On (SSO). Providers no longer need to log into the PDMP website to gather information on a patient’s scheduled medications. 


Working in an encounter or a discharge summary, the provider can click on the PDMP Activity. It will automatically send provider and patient information to the Oregon PDMP website and return all information related to scheduled medications directly into Epic.


Please note: Providers will still need to validate their credentials annually with Oregon PDMP to ensure that this activity works as intended.


If providers do not mark PDMP reviewed on the activity tab and proceeds to order scheduled medications, they will see a BPA/OPA (Our Practice Advisory) with a link to review the PDMP.