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Parking changes start in January: How this affects you

24 Nov 2019

Provider parking to remain on campus; watch for map

By: Hannah Bauer, technical communications coordinator

Here’s what providers need to know about parking, starting in January when Building A expansion begins:

  • Patient and visitor parking is the top priority. In addition to keeping this parking on campus, we will use valet service for emergency department and Building C patients.
  • Provider parking will remain on campus, and providers, including those employed by Salem Health, are not subject to employee restrictions.
  • Changes require some parking reallocation.
    • Providers will still have the same number of designated spaces.
      • Provider parking in the main parking garage will be removed.
      • Provider parking in the parking garage under Building A will be increased (by 100 spaces).
      • Provider parking in the lot next to Building D will be removed.
      • Provider parking directly behind Building B will be reduced.
      • Provider parking south of Building B will be added.
    • We are putting final touches on an updated parking map that illustrates these changes.
  • Changes to enforcement
    • The increasingly complex state of parking on campus necessitates some changes to enforcement. In the past, parking violations have resulted in disciplinary action. Starting in January, parking violations will result in monetary fines instead.
    • More information about parking rules, re-registering your vehicle, and the updated parking zones on campus is coming in a computer-based HealthStream training.