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Palliative care, pain and neurology clinics in Building C

07 Jul 2019

Larger space improves access

By: Kyla Postrel, Internal communications lead, marketing and communications

Salem Health Palliative Care, Pain Clinic and Neurology are now located on the Salem Hospital campus, Building C, fourth floor, Suite 4090. Patient parking is in the garages under Building C and by Building A.

The larger space makes it easier for patients to access clinic appointments and allows us to continue providing high-quality care for the community. Phone numbers and the process for contacting us remain the same.                                                                                                                                          

The new location is:

Salem Health Specialty Clinic
875 Oak St. SE, Suite 4090
Salem, OR 97301
Neurology main line: 503-814-6387
Pain Clinic main line: 503-814-7246
Palliative Care main Line: 503-814-2483