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Palliative care: call triage provider for all consults

23 Jun 2019

Palliative care referral change brings clarity

By: Joshua Steenstra, medicine, pain, palliative care and neurology clinic manager

Salem Health’s palliative care team is streamlining its referral process. Please call all consults to our triage provider of the day, listed in Web Exchange. Also, place each consult request through EPIC. We hope these changes clarify how we can help.

Also, because our patient/family meetings often take longer than anticipated, we ask for your patience, because our response to your calls is usually after these meetings. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Our paging hours are Sunday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. We are not here on Saturdays at this time due to limited staffing. 

For consults placed overnight, please call in the morning to discuss. For consults placed on Saturday, we will have our triage provider likely reach out to you on Sunday to discuss if there are questions about the consult. You can help with this by including a clear description about how we can be of help and the situation in the “reason for consult” on the EPIC referral.

Thank you for supporting our team while we make this change. Please share the changes with others on your team.