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OHSU Partners strategy

19 Feb 2017

By: Andy Furman, M.D., vice president of medical affairs

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The Strategic Advisory Committee members were introduced to the first iteration of OHSU Partners A3’s this past week. They are hanging in the visibility room. Feel free to reach out to any of the committee members with questions. The A3s aren’t always the most clear. 

This first draft helps make important work visible. OHSU Partners elected to adopt Salem Health’s A3 strategy deployment process. As part of that process, a lot of hard work went in to soliciting as much provider stakeholder input as possible over the last six months.

The topics of the A3’s are Affordable Care Delivery, Align with Providers, Expand System, Right Care at the Right Place, Align with Payors, Expand Primary Care, One Standard of Care, and Physician Engagement. As mentioned in a previous Common Ground, physician input is key to the majority of this work. So much so, that even though embedded in the documents, a separate Physician Engagement A3 is still in development to be sure important topics are not underrepresented.

Nothing is all encompassing. In many ways one can look at these documents and think this is too much. I like to view the documents as a starting point as we continue to embrace a system identity. Anybody that would like to learn more about the documents or be more involved in the execution, please contact me.

In upcoming issues of Common Ground I’ll attempt to summarize the goals of each strategy and highlight champions involved. We will also look to identify which strategies directly impact which sections and have those discussions at section meetings. Thanks to the general surgery section for their guidance on this introduction. Please contact me to discuss opportunities ahead.