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Oct. 11, 9 a.m. Command center report out

11 Oct 2017

The upgrade has gone smoothly since my 4:15 a.m. announcement. We have received positive reports from our operations and physician liaisons, as well as the rounding done by Informatics Coordinators and operational leaders.

We have had two high priority issues so far.

  • At go-live CareEverywhere, the system that queries other organizations for patient health data (and vice versa), was not accepting inbound queries. This issue was resolved at about 8:00 a.m.
  • About 170 workstations had not received the Citrix Receiver upgrade prior to go-live, which has caused issues logging into the new version of Epic. A task force has been dispatched to update the affected workstations. As a workaround, users can type in a web browser and launch Epic from there. Informatics Coordinators are distributing this workaround in their rounding.

Known issues:

  • The reported CNA sign-in issue was a decision made prior to go-live, since CNAs are assigned to nurses rather than patients. Further discussions will occur today among nursing leaders.
  • Night shift reported that screens are too bright. Training will be delivered to those who need assistance modifying their settings.

Total tickets reported - 67
Total tickets resolved - 22
Total tickets awaiting resolution - 45

  • Salem Hospital - 31
  • West Valley Hospital - 3
  • Clinics and off-sites - 6
  • Salem Clinic – Community Connect - 5

The next huddle will occur at 3:00 p.m. today.

Keep calling those issues in! 503-814-4357, option 1.