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Oct 4, 2015

04 Oct 2015

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Oct. 4, 2015
gordonICD-10 is live!
We have officially made it! Please continue to call any issues or questions in to the command center at 503-561-4357.

Tip sheets, links and training recommendations are available here for your review and continued education.

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gordonAffiliation update
Read the latest news on affiliation progress, and find out what the next steps are.

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VTEHow to use pharmacy help in Epic
If there is a drug order you are having difficulty entering into Epic, please use a "pharmacy help" order rather than adding the component of an order to the "order comments" section of an order. The "order comments" are not always seen and executed by a pharmacist which could result in your orders not being done.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Matt Tanner, pharmacist, by phone (4-2048). 
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fluFlu vaccinations
Flu season is right around the corner, and Salem Health is again kicking off the No Flu Here League (NFHL) in order to reach a 100 percent vaccination rate among medical staff. Check out the kick-off video!

NFHL kick-off video
NFHL kick-off video

You have until Sunday, Nov. 15, to receive your vaccination. You can get your vaccination at employee health or at one of the many "tailgate" events happening around the organization. If you receive your vaccination elsewhere, documentation must be provided to the medical staff office or employee health in order to be counted. If you are declining the flu vaccination this year, exemption forms need to be turned in to the medical staff office.
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vteAffiliation Q&A
Salem Health held a series of forums in August to answer questions about the pending affiliation with OHSU. Those questions and answers have been collected for you to read.

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logoSalem Health logo
The marketing department has received numerous requests for the new Salem Health logo. Because OHSU Partners will not become operational immediately (it will take a couple of weeks to start the company), the logo will not be immediately available for use. Until then, the existing Salem Health, Salem Hospital, West Valley Hospital and Willamette Health Partners logos, as well as any logo using the "A part of Salem Health" tagline, will be used until the transition to the new logos is complete.

It will take many months to effectively change all occurrences of the logo organization-wide, so your patience is appreciated. Though we are all excited about the new logo, we have to remember it will be new and different to our patients and customers. Therefore, it's important to roll out the change slowly so the community can become familiar with the new brand.
Thanks for your help. Feel free to contact Jan Miller if you have questions or concerns.

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ICDCath lab medication changes
In mid-October, the cath lab will start to use Aggrastat (tirofiban) in place of Integrellin (eptifibatide) as the Gp IIb/IIIa inhibitor following certain intervention cases. Advantages of Aggrastat include shorter infusion times post intervention and an estimated savings of approximately $100,000 per year. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Matt Tanner, pharmacy clinical coordinator, at 5033-814-2048.  
blindBlind school exhibit
Salem Health is planning a commemorative wall to remember and honor the Oregon School for the Blind, which once stood where the new outpatient rehab building is being constructed. The Statesman Journal highlighted the historian who is guiding the wall's development. Read Historian to curate Salem Health's blind school exhibit, from the Sept. 18 Statesman Journal.  
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forumsPhysician Assistant Week
October 6 to 12 is National Physician Assistant Week! This is an opportunity to celebrate physician assistants and the contributions they make to health care at Salem Health and across the nation. Read more about physician assistants, their history and how you can celebrate at the American Academy of Physician Assistants' website.

GIGI case review and collaboration
Join general surgery, gastroenterologists and other clinical staff for a dinner meeting where cases will be presented on topics such as GERD and bariatric surgery on Thursday, Oct. 29, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Read more about the event and RSVP details in the flier.
checUpcoming classes at the CHEC  
For more information and to register, visit the CHEC website or call 503-814-2432 (CHEC). 
Do your patients have diabetes?
Whether a patient is newly diagnosed or has had diabetes for many years, diabetes education can help patients learn to monitor their blood sugar, manage their medications, plan healthy meals, reduce the risk of diabetes complications and set goals for healthy lifestyle changes.

Services include:
  • Education for type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes
  • Diabetes group classes (day and evening classes)
  • Individual appointments with a nurse or dietitian
  • Sweet Moms program for pregnant women with diabetes
A physician's referral is required for all services. The referral form is attached here. Most insurance plans cover diabetes education services. If no coverage is available, patients seeking these services may qualify for financial assistance.    
Do you have a patient with high cholesterol?
Registered dietitians are available at both West Valley Hospital and Salem Hospital to provide medical nutrition therapy. Download the referral form.
Common Ground Newsletter Editorial Board 
For past issues of this newsletter, visit
Email us anytime with feedback, suggestions, or something for the next issue!  Dr. Ian Loewen-Thomas, Chair, Compact Implementation Committee
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Salem Health | 890 Oak Street SE | Salem | OR | 97301