CIC update
Highlights from the Nov. 4 Compact Implementation Committee meeting:
Common Ground newsletter
The Marketing Department will be moving the Common Ground newsletter to a new platform, which will be up and running in January. The new platform allows for searching the newsletter on the web and will measure which content is most useful for physicians. Based on the new metrics, the goal is to target content more effectively to physician needs.
Decision making
The CIC discussed the role of the CIC in receiving and responding to issues. Members agreed that this meeting is not the place to make decisions, but a venue for surfacing issues and directing concerns to the appropriate groups for decision making.
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Flu campaign wraps up
The No Flu Here League (NFHL) season ends Sunday, Nov. 15. If you have not been vaccinated or signed a declination form, please do so ASAP. Remember, our goal is 100 percent vaccination among medical staff! If you don't receive a vaccination, you will need to wear a mask with around patients during the flu season.
You can bring proof of your immunization (if you received it somewhere) to Employee Health, or receive your vaccination there. You may also sign a declination form at Employee Health. Employee Health hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, and walk-ins are welcome. The NFHL campaign has ended, but flu vaccinations will continue through the duration of flu season.
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Your questions answered: Common Ground improvement
Did you know that you can submit questions to commonground@salemhealth.org and they will be answered in the next newsletter? Common Ground recently received a question about plans to improve the Common Ground e-newsletter, specifically related to section level information. Jan Miller, System Director of Marketing, provided the following response:
Thank you for your question! Improvement of the Common Ground e-newsletter was identified as a priority by Salem Health as part of our physician engagement strategy. Your request for more content related to your specific section is, in fact, one of the opportunities for improvement we've identified.
We are currently moving the e-newsletter to a digital publishing platform which will provide us the ability to test various types of content and measure engagement by providers. Then we can eliminate content that's not useful or relevant. While we work on this project over the next several months, we are happy to consider publishing any content we receive from the medical staff sections. It can be easily submitted to commonground@salemhealth.org. Our newsletter editor reviews those requests, submits them to the editorial board for consideration, then works with the submitter to develop the message for publication.
Thank you for reading Common Ground. We are working to improve the publication and we value input such as yours!
Contact Jan Miller for more information.
WHP gets a new name
Willamette Health Partners will be changing its name to Salem Health Medical Group. This name change reflects a closer alignment with Salem Health, and provides an opportunity to continue building the name and reputation of Salem Health's providers. Salem Health Medical Group's vision statement is "The best team, the best care."
The rollout of the name change is important. Because the new name is completely different from
Physicians speak out: What changes at Salem Health Medical Group mean for patients and physicians |
Willamette Health Partners, the danger is confusing patients, providers and business associates if we don't consider all the instances of its use.
For example, public-facing materials such as brochures, corporate stationery and business cards, appointment cards, prescription pads, signage, forms, myChart, etc. must all be rebranded. This will take time and a very thoughtful process to coordinate distribution of these materials in a purposeful fashion. Though we understand the excitement surrounding a new name and desire to begin implementing it, please refrain from using the name Salem Health Medical Group until we have a communication plan completed and a scheduled timeline for release of materials.
Contact Jan Miller for more information.
Clinical alarms and alarm fatigue
Improvements to patient care and safety have increased significantly with the use of technology. Many systems and equipment feature visual and auditory alarms to alert caregivers of potential patient problems.
However, with the increased use of clinical alarms becomes a patient safety issue due to alarm fatigue. The Joint Commission, Food and Drug Administration, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, and ECRI Institute rated alarm problems among the top 10 health technology hazards. The Joint Commission has added alarm management and safety to its National Patient Safety Goals.
Clinical alarms are effective only when a serious problem occurs, when the alarm is recognized as an alert for a serious problem, and when the ability to address the problem exists. Common problems with alarm management are alarm fatigue, lead-off apathy, communication breakdown, diffused responsibility, inability to hear or distinguish alarms, and competing priorities. Salem Health's policy is to manage clinical alarms that can compromise patient safety including alarms from equipment such as cardiac monitors, fetal heart monitors, IV machines, ventilators, and others that have visual and/or auditory components.
The Salem Health Clinical Alarms Policy identifies two categories of alarms: actionable alarms and nonactionable alarms. Actionable alarms require timely intervention to avoid an adverse event. Nonactionable alarms do not require clinical intervention or are the result of intentional actions.
Per policy, all hospital and medical staff who use medical equipment will ensure alarm settings and parameters are correct and audible, and the equipment is properly placed on the patient. Hospital and/or provider staff assigned to or treating the patient is expected to respond immediately to medical equipment alarms. At no time will actionable alarms be bypassed, shut off, or adjusted without provider's order except as defined by standard work. Should any equipment failure or alarm-related incidents occur, refer to the Event Management Policy for the process to report actual or potential patient harm.
Change in ova and parasite testing
As of Dec. 1, Salem Health Laboratories will no longer perform testing in-house for O&P (ova and parasite) microscopic examination. The test will be sent to our reference laboratory. Turnaround times will be 3 to 5 days.
Low test volumes, a time-consuming procedure, and dangerous chemicals are the reasons for the change. Most importantly, the subjective nature of the test and the stringent and costly competency and proficiency requirements do not justify retaining the test at Salem Health Laboratories.
Salem Health Laboratories will continue to offer the giardia and cryptosporidium antigen tests and the pinworm prep test.
Please contact Tracy Hickson at 503-561-5462 if you have questions.
Update to insulin sliding scale
At the request of the diabetes clinical nurse specialist, the insulin sliding scale and correction bolus orders will be updated on Nov. 18. The changes include: giving a dose of insulin (in addition to rechecking a CBG and calling the provider) for a CBG greater than 400, checking a STAT serum glucose only when the CBG is greater than 600 and emphasizing that sliding scale and correction bolus orders must be given within 30 minutes of the CBG.
This update was made in cooperation with the Diabetes Affinity Team and approved by P&T. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Matt Tanner in pharmacy by e-mail or at 4-2048.
Changes to physician emergency parking
Salem Health will be putting a container in the physician east lot emergency parking starting Nov. 16, 2015, to Aug. 1, 2016, for the Building D construction project. Physicians who are called in will need to park in the main physician east lot.
Oregon (and Salem) score well in premature births
A March of Dimes report gives Salem and Oregon an "A" for low rates of premature babies. Read The Oregonian article Oregon, Portland have nation's lowest premature-birth rates for more information about the report and specific scores around the country.
Missed the Caring Through Time movie premiere?
If you didn't have the opportunity to see the critically acclaimed Caring Through Time, worry not. The movie, which celebrates Salem Health's past and looks to the future, has been rushed to an early online release, and you can watch it at your convenience below. Enjoy!