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New questions address telemetry needs starting July 9

23 Jun 2019

Additions to admit order, transfer order panels

By: Rebeca Lee Cowin, RN, Epic physician support liaison


Starting July 9, the admit order panel and the transfer patient order panel will ask providers to address telemetry needs. Below are screen shots of the two new order panels – transfer (top) and admission orders.

Currently, providers click the Telemetry box in the order if they want to order telemetry monitoring for the patient, with no hard stop. Soon they will have to choose telemetry or no telemetry and making a choice is a hard stop, (i.e. required) before they can sign the orders.

  • This one extra click was identified to reduce the 26 phone calls we get a week. 
  • This amounts to about three hours a week of combined time for nursing, providers and bed planning.


admission panel