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New features coming to Epic in July, August

17 Jul 2022

Organizational Cost for Imaging and Medication Orders, plus In Basket renovation

By: Olivia Alley, technical communications coordinator

Relative and absolute cost information is now available for imaging and medication orders. The relative cost icons ($, $$, $$$, $$$$, $$$$$) are accessible through the following order routes:

  • Adjacent to order names in select Order Sets, SmartSets, and Order Panels
  • Adjacent to order names on a user's My Frequent Orders list
  • Adjacent to order names on the Browse tab of the Preference List browser
  • In a Preference List column (Cost to Org)
  • In an existing column (Cost) of the Medication Alternatives Selection window

For ED providers:

  • Adjacent to order names in Quick Lists
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Absolute costs display from tooltips, when you Hover to Discover on the $ icons:

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In Basket renovation starts in August

To help clinicians complete their work efficiently, Epic has made several updates to In Basket to make it more intuitive; this includes combining buttons, redesigning QuickActions, and allowing providers to save messages to patient charts.

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Changes you will see to In Basket:

  • The new home screen offers quick access to new and high priority messages, a colleagues’ in basket when covering, a history of saved searches and a list of open patient charts.
  • Toolbars and Folders have been updated to allow for more customization, faster access to QuickActions, printing, copying, and movement between activities.
  • The Reply, Send, and Forward buttons with the floppy disks save messages to patient charts.
  • Improved Tools to navigate In Basket include a new feature called Follow-up, which allows for flagging and postponing of messages, advanced filtering options, an updated QuickAction editor, and the ability to patient search for unopened charts.
  • Features that have changed include, the Comment button moving into Follow-up, QuickNote becoming Note, and the Reviewed and Complete buttons being been combined and replaced with Done.

Click here for a Version 22.2 tip sheet.