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New Epic wound care module

04 Jun 2023

Go-live June 6 adds changes, features

By: Olivia Alley, technical communications coordinator

On Tuesday, June 6, the new Epic wound care module begins, adding features that align inpatient and ambulatory workflows for teams treating wounds.

What is changing? 

  1. New ambulatory advanced wound care referral orders. If you have created personal favorites for ambulatory wound referral orders, please update them to this new order:
    • Referral to Advanced Wound Care CON1171 
  2. Wound linking and associate wounds
    • An option to associate applicable medication and non-medication orders to a specific wound. Storing this data will help us evaluate treatment interventions per patient as well as holistically for our clinics.
  3. Wound/ostomy RN as a unique role on the treatment team list 

To review additional changes for wound care-specific topics that will not impact your workflow, click here for training materials.