Meet our new committee: the Intensive Level of Care Council at Salem Hospital. This team will address system issues you face while caring for our most critical patients.
We currently enjoy a robust peer review process centered on medical and nursing staff feedback regarding patient safety concerns. However, during this process, system issues often emerge as the true root cause. The ILCC was designed to mitigate these issues.
ILCC members:
Amie Wittenberg, Director of ED and Psychiatric Services; committee chair
Marty Johnson, MD, ICU medical director; committee co-chair
Joshua Walterscheid, MD, ED medical director; committee co-chair
Kelly Fair, MD,TRACS general surgeon
Nancy Bee, ED nurse manager
Seunghyo Hong, ICU nurse manager
Vacant, CVCU nurse manager
Laura Morin, House Operations manager
Sierra Schneider, ICU clinical coordinator
Ann Alway; ICU CNS
Laura Van Cura, regulatory specialist
Jessica Williams, patient safety consultant
The ILCC will also include “ad-hoc” consultants to provide expertise in areas affecting care (anesthesia and cardiac services, for example). This committee is complimentary to the current peer review/patient safety alert systems. We have been reviewing data/trends gathered from PSAs, plus individual PSAs where a system issue has been identified.
We encourage referrals from front-line staff and physicians when they notice a system issue. Find our referral form on the Salem Health intranet page under the purple “Tools and Resources” banner, titled ILCC Referral Form. If you have any questions or comments about the ILCC, please contact any of the chairs at 503-814-1285.